1. Picadilly Square
  2. I Wouldn't Lie To You
  3. Kingdom Come
  4. Afterwards
  5. For God's Sake
  6. Green Paper Snow
  7. My Soul
  8. Slow One
  9. Creation
  10. Dance
  11. Gethsemane
  12. Waves
  13. Flowers
















In One Era
Peace Offering
Sampler 1

Related Titles
Twelfth Night - Live and let live
Twelfth Night - Collectors item
Twelfth Night - Fact and fiction
Sampler 4
Sampler 5






For the first time ever on CD, In One Era... combines both of Geoff's solo albums I May Sing Grace and Psalm Enchanted Evening on one CD. Best known for his work with Twelfth Night, who played many tours with respected artists, and put out what is regarded as the "classic" prog album Fact and Fiction.

In One Era...
features artwork that he completed just before his death in February 1993 for the booklet and cover, and a disc design that Geoff had painted and never used. It also includes his classic tracks Creation, Dance, Picadilly Square and For God's Sake and has been dehissed for superb clarity.

Excellent rock and prog with some outstanding guitar work.